
Had some Urkels, like 'em alot!


I'm in early-era AFI mood. This is the last week in 2011. It passed by so fast. So fast. I don't do resolutions, or promises to better myself. I just brace for what lies ahead. So, I finally got to watch Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind:

That movie was questionable. I don't know what to think about it. Give me a few and I'll get back to you. Other than that, last night, I was having a pity party for myself and it was really sad. Not sad like fake pity for myself, but just a deep sadness coming for deep down. I also talked to my coach the day before yesterday about school and work and how it's stressful. I've always envied the rich and well off. They never work or actually struggle. Of course, there's the rotten personality and terrible etiquette. 


I guess I have too much integrity to trade it all in. I would hate to be rich and lonely. Anyway, it was so sudden. I am prone to random bouts of deep thinking. 

I'm an emotional monster. Hahaha, emotions just spilling all over the place! Crazee. My mom might move up here for work. I am glad she is re-locating but sad because then...I wouldn't have privacy. I feel like a jerk for thinking that, because she needs a job. Needs money, and needs out weigh the wants.  I think it will be good for her to not be in B-Co. It drags you down. The only people who have real jobs are the hospitals and the chemical plants, and even those jobs are unsteady. I don't know how many people I've spoken with who don't know if they'll have their jobs.

Here's to the new year.

I wanted to make a list of things I've always wanted to do and put it on here. Let's see.

1. fly in a hot air balloon
2. meet johnny depp and have a conversation with him
3. dye my hair
4. be in a film
5. see the yeah yeah yeahs live/meet them
6. almost get a tattoo
7. help someone in dire need
8. write lots of stories
9. have a guy love me for me
10. have long hair

I think that's just some of the main ones. I have so much going through my brain, it's ridiculous. I know you do too. 

I found Sherri Dupree's flickr. She is awesome. I love her. I love Eisley. It took me almost two hours to finish this post. I honestly am looking forward the new year and what it holds. I still feel old and have the urge to listen to "Burn Your Life Down" but I'm gonna fight it off!

Who thought about "Seven Nation Army"?
So did. :)

If I don't write here before the new year I hope you all have a wonderful holiday filled with cheer & happiness!! You received everything that you wanted and that you make someone else happy, too. :) 

all over it. 



Boogie & Bogey Down.

I'll be back soon.

I promise. The holidays are going so fast. My family is here for almost two weeks and they leave very very soon.

:( I like living alone, but then again...it was so nice to have them in the house.

To fill it with laughter and old jokes. We danced, and laughed, and really just missed each other. I know I did. No lie. My fb friend is getting a memorial tat, and I honestly think that's very noble/brave of her. It is. If I have ever gotten a tat, it would be music related. Too far into to back out now.

My faith in love is still devout.

A couple of more days and it's the new year. I feel indifferent. Hmm.
I watched Gigli. It's as bad (if not worse) than what every critic says.
They lip sync the words. Why??

Anyways,  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you lovely people! I hope you roundhouse kick the new year. ;D



That Point.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Doesn't everyone get to this point? I feel like I'm running in circles.
I just want to move forward. I'm burnt out, and run out. Writing feels good. Something that I'm okay at. My job sucks. I've never hated a job so much in my entire life. Call centers. 


I want to scream. It's too loud at home, and awk at the library. So, I'm going to sit and listen to Manchester Orchestra and write.
And write.
And write.

I am sorry that it's been so long. I wanted to write every couple of days, and I haven't.

So, the semester is over and in Stats class, I failed. So mad. I actually put forth effort in this class and she is going to fail me? I passed her other class, and didn't pass Stat. No sense. Nonsense. She is nonsensical. I looked at my grades today and I emailed her asking what I could do for a passing grade. 

I don't know if that will work.

I don't know if she will read it in time since she never checks her email, but I want to try.

I'm trying.

Plus, she never came to class, and canceled class for no reason. No one honestly knew what they were doing. She didn't teach us, rather just let us go at random times or just never showed up.>=(

Don't fail me when you failed yourself.

So mad.

I just put 's' instead of 'd'.
Mas mad.

So much so. It's like...I want my school life to go well at least.

My work life sucks.

My spiritual life needs some repair.

Come on school; get it together. 
Here's to this week and not sucking. Last night at work was terrible. I hate ungrateful people, people who put themselves in that situation and blame everything except what caused it.

15, 16K in debt and you think since I can't give you a low apr it's my fault. No sir, no ma'am. How about not maxing out your credit card?

I'm sorry this is such a poopy post. I know it's far from the norm. On a much more lighter, happier note my family is coming to ME for Christmas!!! YAAAAY! It's going to be so fun with them in the a-p-t. :D My sister wants to decorate my house. No.

Not happening, but they want to see meeeeeeee. Excited to be with them for the holidays. Hey-oh.

Time for work and putting on a brave face.
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