
I Grasp The Microphone With My Right Hand.

My title is a lyric from a song by The Blue Hearts! "Boko No Migite". It's so good, and so is the movie based on them. :) Just another Saturday in the museum. I can't wait to leave permanently. I have this urgency to go. And not look back. Here lately, I've been looking at this positive body image Tumblr. I won't say the name, but I will add a link later. It says it's for chubby girls, but a lot of normal sized women post on there. Basically, you post a picture of yourself and your measurements, and a little bit about you. Something positive or uplifting. Most of the time people do, but some have trouble saying that they even like their bodies. I think it's a good site, because it builds women up who don't have that self-esteem or even see themselves as pretty/beautiful. Honestly, I've never told myself that I'm beautiful. It is hard when you have had so much pressure to look a certain way and you're not that. You don't fit the mold of what the media/your parents/your ideals want you to look like. I know that being fat or out of shape is bad for your health, but a lot of people are just big boned. Just last night, my mom was telling me about another weight loss program, and I just flat out said, "I'm doing this my way. I'm eating healthier, and exercising. Without a program to help me." All shapes and sizes on there, and I can't get enough because those women..look like me. I can relate to them because of that. Everyday people. They are big like me, and I am trying to change, but for now I'm still plus size. So, I have to work with what I have. Dress my current body. What gives me hope for a relationship, is girls who are bigger than me with hot boyfriends and they have it going on. I mean, that is so rad. I just have to go and conquer! You guys should check it out. Some of the pictures are pretty risque, so brace yourself. X3 In other news, here is a video from the Halloween show of ....
Earhart. ♥

Soundtrack cover. ;D

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!

^__^ Two things I love: clothes & music. Also, I'm seriously in like with bows right now. So cute, and so mine. I bet they are easy to make, too. Lates!

Rachel! :)

#13: I am finally starting to dress pretty.

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