I am overwhlemed at what I need to do!
Not anymore, but I was. I'm going to Lubbock tomorrow! My church is going to a conference and at first I wasn't going to go because of money, but my friend stepped in and paid for me.
Super. Blessed! I can't believe she did that for me. Bffs. c:
It's already Thursday, and I'm steadily going along. How is your week going?
I definitely have the p-list ready to go! Not backing out on any promises! Here's Monday's outfit:
**edit** I can't make it work. I'm sorry, but here's the Internet version of what I wore today and Monday.
Monday from top to bottom:
Yay! :) That is what I wore the first day out. Going out hot! Today, I just mashed up what I've been wearing. I am in the process of diying a very long skirt into a short one. Pictures soon! I just realized I'm doing this punx thing all mixed up. :/ Sorry aboot that, I hope you can follow what I'm saying. For Wednesday, this is what I wore:
It's almost red, white, and blue! My skirt doesn't look like that, this picture is a bit pilgrim, but it's very similar. No bunching at the waist, though. It was windy yesterday, and I got a lot of weird looks as I walked to class with my long skirt on. It never blew up, though.
Today, I was a slob [typical punx], and wore my clash shirt with these things:
My vest was black, not denim. The one I wore on Monday. I've really been listening to The Beach Boys a lot. I think that's a good thing, so I think you should too. I am def jumping into the pool of surf rock. I love it! So, hopefully I can snap some pictures of the Lubbock trip and get some real outfit posts up soon. In the mean time and inbetween time, I have this for you!
happy listening!
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